ISO 45001

Work Environment Policy

Ellénius Buss is committed to ensuring that the work environment is safe, adhering to the vision of zero fatalities, injuries, or illnesses resulting from work. Ellénius Buss does not tolerate any form of harassment or discriminatory treatment, commonly known as bullying. We strive to prevent illness and accidents by:

  • Assessing risks to health and safety through methods such as employee surveys and risk analysis, and taking action to address identified risks.
  • Preventing traffic accidents through monitoring driving and rest times via Idha-online.
  • Providing employees with opportunities for job variation, social interaction, and collaboration with colleagues within the company, such as coffee breaks, workplace meetings, and employee activities.
  • Offering employees opportunities for personal and professional development through training programs like Bivabskolan, Omnibusskolan, or other educational providers.
  • Combating stress by planning and organizing work effectively, measured through employee surveys.
  • Combating harassment and discriminatory treatment through clear leadership, established procedures, and concrete policies.
  • Investigating and taking action against any incidents of harassment or discriminatory treatment in the workplace. Measures should be taken, such as conducting an independent investigation into bullying.


Our aim is to create a work environment where all employees feel respected, valued, and safe, promoting their well-being and contributing to their professional growth.

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